Recent travel restrictions have meant many more divers have looked at diving opportunities closer to home, as opposed to enduring a way too long surface interval. However, for us here in Northern Europe, local diving usually means cold water diving, especially in the winter months. To quote one of our instructing team, “If you see me diving in a wetsuit, then I’m not in the UK. If the water is cooler than 24C I will be in a drysuit even in Egypt”.
But how do you get to enjoy diving year round without turning into a human ice cube and falling foul of hypothermia?
The simple answer is a well fitting drysuit with appropriate insulation underneath which allows you to remain warm and toasty on every single dive. Therefore water temperature never becomes a reason not to dive. It frees you to explore the wrecks of Scapa Flow, dive with seals, basking sharks, and even penguins, touch 2 continents at Silfra and potentially explore the world under ice – all truly amazing adventures.
Selecting the right drysuit and getting it correctly fitted for you is the game changer that can transform your diving and make these adventures happen. A drysuit with compromises can lead to air floating about in awkward places potentially causing buoyancy issues and even uncontrollable ascents, reduced mobility, and a generally uncomfortable dive. Conversely, selecting the right suit and having it correctly fitting, will lead to many many more pleasurable dives. Until you own a dry suit that has been made just for you, you don’t appreciate the difference it makes to have a suit that ‘feels right’!
At Aquanaut and Amphibian, we have a Specialist Drysuit Centre offering an exceptional bespoke consultation and measuring service to ensure you spend your money wisely. We deal in the major brands including Santi, Bare, Fourth Element, Otter, Avatar, and Azdry, therefore, offering an exceptional range to suit most budgets and diving preferences.
We understand that purchasing a drysuit is a major investment and probably the largest expenditure you will make in scuba diving gear. Choosing the right suit, but also having it specified to meet your requirements exactly is crucial so that you end up with a suit that not only fits your purpose but also has that ‘feels right’, meaning you can enjoy cold water diving adventures for years to come.
To discuss with one of our specialist staff you can book an appointment for a bespoke consultation where you will be walked through the features of our range of suits and their customizable options.
So if you would like to dive all year round and enjoy some unique cold water adventures, come and visit our Specialist Drysuit Centre
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